Who is Jesus? Can I trust the Bible? What is a Christian? If you’re curious about Christianity, then we’re here to help you examine the evidence and think it all through. We’re always glad to welcome people with questions, from any or no religious background. So come along, be a part of things and explore the Christian faith. In the meantime these online resources may be helpful:

Watch this ‘big picture’ summary of the Bible message (5 minutes), told as simply as 3, 2, 1:

We all encounter significant questions in our lives – especially when life gets difficult or we face new and life-changing events. How can I find meaning in my life? Do we have a purpose? Is there a God behind it all? How should I live? Do I need to be saved? Bethinking.org provides resources to get to grips with these sorts of questions… and more. bethinking.org

Take a look at the Howth and Malahide Presbyterian Church Pinterest board. We hope this collection of web links will be a great source of both information and inspiration. There are fun things for kids, recommended books, inspirational websites, Christian music and thought-provoking reading.
Take a browse here: http://www.pinterest.com/hmpresbyterian/